To Haiti with Love was an online auction of art, photography, papercrafts, clothing, and creative goods. All proceeds go direct to the St. Joseph's Family of homes for children in Haiti.

The auction opened at 8 AM EST on Monday, February 1, 2010.

The auction closed at midnight EST on Monday, February 8, 2010.

Canadians can donate to St. Joseph's anytime through the online donation page of its Canadian fundraising organization, Broken Wings.

Americans can donate through the online donation page for Hearts with Haiti, the U.S. organization. Either way, your support builds hope.

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Earthquake Devastates St. Joseph Home in Port au Prince

Broken Wings is the Canadian fundraising organization whose primary mission is to support the vision and ministry of the St. Joseph Family in Haiti, which includes the St. Joseph’s Home for Boys in Port-au Prince, Wings of Hope in Fermathe, and Trinity House in Jacmel.

Orphans caring for orphans: a beautiful story

St. Joseph’s Home for Boys was Michael Geilenfeld’s dream that became a reality in 1985, bringing boys off the streets of Port-au-Prince to provide them with a Christian home and family.

When French missionaries announced they were leaving Haiti and needed to find care for the disabled children under their supervision, Michael took some of the older boys from St. Joseph's to choose a child to bring home and care for. But the boys surprised Michael when they chose to adopt all the children. Wings of Hope had become a thriving home for disabled children, recently rebuilt and expanded to include a day school for disabled community children and lovely guest facilities.

For more on the St. Joseph's family of homes for children, visit the Broken Wings website.

Endless thanks to our hosts at Squarespace, who not only make the most robust and most elegant blogging platform on the planet, but who are also as generous as they are hip.

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Where there is doubt, let me sow faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.

~ Saint Francis of Assisi

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ticket to dreams: the mondo beyondo online class

What happens when you give an unspoken wish a place to become a dream come true? How do you gather the courage required to help a new found dream soar? Join seasoned dreamers Andrea Scher and Jen Lemen as together we explore Mondo Beyondo -- the powerful point of view that transforms our deepest dreams into practical realities.

This five week online class complete with inspiring lessons, real life stories, secret missions, audio interviews and hands-on activities will help you take your dreams from the realm of wishing into everyday motion. Supported by Andrea and Jen as your able guides and exclusive access to a community of dreamers, you'll find yourself equipped with the perfect tools and the just right atmosphere to take the risks you've always dreamed of.

Andrea Scher is a creative entrepreneur, writer and life coach in Berkeley, California. Through her company Superhero Designs and award-winning blog Superhero Journal, Andrea inspires other creative souls to live authentic, colorful and extraordinary lives. Andrea first introduced the Mondo Beyondo concept in 2004 and is widely recognized as a seasoned practioner of the kind of practical and outrageous magic Mondo Beyondo espouses.

Jen Lemen's Mondo Beyondo dreams have carried her across continents and back again to her artist studio where she generates hope in every essay she writes and every illustration she creates. Jen recently won $50,000 from Lenovo/Microsoft to travel the world and gather images of hope. Jen is a regular contributor to — a child development blog she writes with her two real life sisters. Jen is the the author of Beginnings, a Mondo Beyondo inspired e-zine about making your dreams come true. You can read more about her adventures here and abroad on her influential blog and at

All proceeds from items sold on the To Haiti with Love auction go directly to the St. Joseph's Family in Haiti. To make a bid, simply leave a comment with the amount of your bid and your email address. The auction will wrap up on February 8, 2010, and winners will be contacted right away to arrange payment and shipping. Good luck!

The Mondo Beyondo online class with Jen Lemen & Andrea Scher

Starting bid: $60.00


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Reader Comments (5)

I'd like to bid $80 please!

February 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSara

I'd like to build $90 please

February 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDarlene Clark

$ 95!

February 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJeni

I bid $110

February 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDarlene Clark

I'd like to bid $120 please!

February 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSara
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