about your gift: the people and the impact of Broken Wings
Who is behind Broken Wings? Is it a reputable organization?
Broken Wings Missions Inc., the fundraising umbrella for the St. Joseph's family of homes, is a registered Canadian non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide relief from the hardships experienced by impoverished children in Haiti through the provision of housing, food, education and health care.
Broken Wings does this through supporting the St. Joseph's Family of Homes by the development and promotion of books or products about the homes and children, and creating touring opportunities throughout Canada and the United States for The Resurrection Dance Theatre of Haiti on an annual basis (or more often, if opportunities arise).
How much of my donation will find its way to those who need it in Haiti?
The St. Joseph's family of homes has very low administrative costs since everyone connected with the organization serves on a strictly volunteer basis. Right now, the focus is on immediate care of the people, and on rebuilding. Other than postage, the only administrative cost is to hire an accountant to do the organization's year end review or audit.
A note from Peter Eyvindson, Founder, Broken Wings Missions Inc.
Dear friends,
I am overwhelmed by the generosity of the artistic community here in Canada. You have become part of 'the family' in Haiti. We call ourselves 'family' simply because we are not an orphanage. Our children are groomed to take over leadership roles, first within our family, then to the community outside our gates -- and maybe some day, my young friends will be leaders in their own country.
When our kids come off the street, they have very low self esteem, simply because in the broader Haitian community they are called garbage children -- throwaway kids. By using the arts, Michael has inspired many children to comprehend that they can be a success in all that they do.
I can imagine the devastations our children must feel as they view the devastation to what was once their home -- but I am always amazed by the resilient nature of my Haitian friends. They will pick themselves up, dust themselves off, break into a beautiful smile and be ready to face another day.
And simply knowing that there are so many people here in Canada and throughout the world who are roooting for them, praying for them, and showing their desire to help, will indeed be very uplifting for my dear friends in Haiti.
My most humble thank you!
In addition to participating in To Haiti with Love, feel free to donate directly to the charities that support the St. Joseph's family of homes.
Canadian citizens can make a donation to Broken Wings Missions -- the fundraising arm of the St. Joseph's family of homes -- here.
American citizens can make a donation to Hearts with Haiti, the U.S. counterpart to Broken Wings, here.
Short term projects like this auction are great, but Haiti needs long-term support as well. Hearts with Haiti has a year-long sponsorship program for every child and student under the care of the St. Joseph's homes. Get to know these wonderful children here. Quickly and easily sponsor a child here.
And finally... become a fan of St. Joseph's Family and Broken Wings Missions on Facebook.